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Selectmen's Minutes August 19, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
August 19, 2003

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7pm.

Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens

SUBJECT: Bldg. Permit-Granny Howe Road.
Present: Mr. & Mrs. Cheney

Mr. & Mrs. Cheney are questioning the Board of Selectmen’s decision regarding issuance of a building permit on their newly purchased home.  The Cheney’s will be changing the footprint from a mobile home to a log cabin.  The Board has taken the position that once the building is outside the original footprint a new structure building permit is required thus being subject to the twelve per year limit and an impact fee.  The building inspector told them it was not going to be a problem.  The Cheney’s have already moved into the mobile home.  The Board referred them to the Board of Adjustment for an appeal to the Board’s decision and also to contact the building inspector to confirm whether or not there are any more permits available for this year.

SUBJECT: RSA 91-A: 3, ll - Non-Public Session

Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to enter into non-public session per RSA 91-A: 3, ll (e) to discuss pending or threatened litigation.  All were in favor.  Present were: Selectman Arey, Selectman DeBold, Chairman Colbert, Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens and Planning Board Secretary Andrea Deachman.  

Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to come out of non-public session at 7:35pm.  All were in favor.  Andrea Deachman left the meeting. No action was taken.

Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to re-enter non-public session under RSA 91-A: 3, ll (e) to discuss pending or threatened litigation.  All were in favor.

The Board instructed the Administrative Assistant to send a letter to Attorney Tarbell notifying him that the Town’s legal counsel is Barton Mayer from the firm of Upton & Hatfield, in Concord, New Hampshire.  The Board instructed the Administrative Assistant to forward a letter to Attorney Goldman informing him that the Town of Chichester was no longer using his firm. Motion to go out of non-public session made by Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold at 7:40pm.  All were in favor. No other action was taken.



The board signed an extension for submittal of the MS-1.  

The minutes of August 12, 2003 were corrected and signed.  

The minutes of the August 11, 2003 work session were approved as written.

The Board reviewed the letter from the Conservation Commission regarding the response to Mr. Mullaney.  No action was taken.  The Board appreciates the hard work on behalf of the Conservation Commission.  

Lisa reminded the Board the selectmen’s office will be closed the next two days to get started on the financial data conversion.

Selectman DeBold will draft a memo to department heads notifying them of the upcoming budget schedule.

Selectman DeBold will work with Doug Hall on editing the revaluation letter.

The Board reviewed a letter from Mr. Hall regarding zoning violations on Rte 4.  Selectman DeBold will draft a letter to Hess and Mr. Mike’s regarding being in violation of the town’s sign ordinance.

Selectman Arey will visit the Vermette property on Swiggey Brook Road for clarification of lot lines before the Board makes a final decision on the alleged Zoning violations.

Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 10:22 pm.  All were in favor.

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Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

                                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN

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